So I went to the evil empire of Home Depot with the deck I wanted (20'x16) in mind. After ogling the lumber for about 20 minutes I decided to ask for help. I very nice fellow walked me to a desk and built a deck on a computer program for me giving a nice 3D image. It printed up a material list and the total cost. Before this I was thinking about a paver patio and priced out the materials for the same 20x16 dims. The deck with standard weather treated wood was about $500.00 cheaper for all materials.
So I bought it right there and then - kind of an impulse buy. Who impulse buys a deck....? Well I did. I grabbed a How to build a deck book from the shelf. I even had to rent their "load and go" truck which was only 20.00 for 75 minutes. I had to make 2 trips and I got a lot of exercise unloading it (they will load it for you at the store).
NEXT PAGE (Part 3)